“Aching was the only thing I felt when I boarded my plane out of the Kenyatta Airport. I was leaving a place that shook me up and revealed truth to me. We are the one-percent. As an American I am frivolously living what many consider to be a luxurious lifestyle. I have clean water, clean clothes, and a roof over my head, a stable one at that.
“Every day in Kenya, we poured out our last strengths, physically and emotionally, until we were spent; and even then, we kept giving. I'm not saying this to say how great we were, or how humbling we can act, I'm saying this to confess a need. There are parts of Kenya that are starving, naked, and in need of a love from a Savior.
“I am BEYOND thankful I stepped out of my comfort zone to see the world, the real world. Empower a Child does more than just send aid and service to those hurting, they seek to change a life cycle. Poverty has its way of continuing generations, and they are here to end it. God calls us to take care of the orphaned and the widowed, and there is no better way to do that than to go.
“To love and be the hands and feet of Jesus is the best way to reach out. Love speaks volumes. Even more so, the love you will get in return from the beautiful people of Africa is even greater.”
By Kimberly Manning