Write to my sponsored child
We highly encourage you to write to your sponsored child as a way to build a relationship between the two of you. Letters are very special to the children as they are handwritten and something they can save for years.
Sending by Mail
All letters can be mailed to our offices in Uganda and Kenya:
In Uganda:
Child’s Name
c/o Empower a Child
P.O. Box 33273
Kampala, Uganda
In Kenya:
Empower a Child
c/o Child's Name
P.O. 3507-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Sending by Email
We realize you may have a busy schedule, making email a more convenient choice for writing. You may send an email to your child at:
We will print off your email and give it to your child.
By using email, you have the option of typing or handwriting a letter and scanning it to us. You also have the option to attach photos.